Group Members
Principal Investigator
Education & Experience:
President's Postdoctoral Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University, 2018-2020
PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Lehigh University, 2018
MS, Mechanical Engineering, Lehigh University, 2014
BS, Mechanical Engineering, Lehigh University, 2013
Google scholar
CURRENT Students
Yaozhong Zhang
PhD candidate
High energy diffraction microscopy (HEDM); multi-axial deformation; Crystal Plasticity finite element modeling (CPFEM).
Dan Rubio-Ejchel
PhD Candidate (NSF GRFP awardee)
Laser additive manufacturing (AM); High strain-rate properties of AM materials; Functionally graded materials for space.
Buhari Ibrahim
PhD Candidate (RMF Fellow)
Experiments and modeling of solid state and assisted sintering; computed tomography.
Dillon Jobes
PhD Student
Laser AM of refractory multicomponent alloys; Solidification processing; Synchrotron x-ray diffraction
Group Alumni
Xinchen Zhou, ECE Master's student (F' 23 - WN '23)
William Wagner, ME UG student (Summer '22)
Winne Hung, ME UG student (F '21 - F '22 )
Jerry Ku, UG student (F '21 - WN '23 )
Michael Stryk, MSE UG student (F'21 - WN '22)
Eddie Pomianek, UG student (WN '21)
Kang Yang, MS student (WN' 21)
Karen Ni MSE student (WN and F'21)
Ricky Wu, ME UG student (WN '22)
Interested in Working With Us?
We are looking for highly motivated and talented graduate and undergraduate researchers to join our team. Please see the specific descriptions below for more detailed information on joining our lab:
Graduate students interested in joining our lab must be admitted to the U-M ME or MSE graduate program. Typically, student's do an ME 590 project for a semester to see if our lab is a good fit. Please contact Dr. Gordon directly via email with "ME 590" in the subject heading.
Undergraduate students interested in joining our lab must also be admitted to the U-M ME or MSE undergraduate program. Please contact Dr. Gordon directly via email with a resume and short list of research interests. Undergraduate students will expected to commit to at least two (2) full semesters of research activities.
Interested candidates not yet admitted to the UM undergraduate or graduate programs are welcome to contact Dr. Gordon by email, however please be aware that an answer may be unlikely due to the large number of solicitations.